Thursday, March 10

Where in the World...? Bill Vaughn?

Don't answer that. I doubt you know the answer and even if you did, I don't want to know unless your name happens to be J.J. Abrams. And even if you say that you were Abrams, I would want serious proof.

I have been watching the first two seasons of Alias, which are so awesome. I really must buy the third season, despite my hatred of the COW. The new season is really heating up, posing the question of 'Where in the World is Bill Vaughn?'

Anyway, it doesn't matter. It's all just a fictional universe. A fictional universe that brings me lots of fun, but a fictional universe nonetheless.

Spring break is coming. If only I can get through the next week of CRAP, I should be fine for at least that week. School is piling up. I feel like sometimes I can't keep up. I'm just so tired. I want to sleep. But I must not sleep, for there is too much to do! Anyone want to write my speech over mnemonic devices or outline my notes on the middle east? Any takers?

1 comment:

Brooke said...

If you do manage to get hold of JJ, can you send him my way so I can grill him about Lost?