Tuesday, March 1

And the Hits Just Keep On Coming!

Okay, the hits just keep on coming. Today, I was "served" with my RJE papers. I have to take the Rising Junior Exam during the first week of April, because the state of Arkansas deems it so! Stupid idiotic test does NOTHING whatsoever to your grade. So, why must we take it? If we don't take it, we can't progress further in school. If we take it, we get to move on. This is so retarded. I do not want to take this test. The test consists of an essay portion and then a randomly selected portion of either english, reading, math or science reasoning. Knowing my luck, I'll most likely get the math portion. Blech. Gag me with a fork! I DO NOT WANT TO TAKE THIS TEST!

Goodness. In other news, I heard from the Federal Government about financial aid for next school year. And even though my sister will also be in college, I'm not eligible for a Pell Grant! What the crap is that all about? My parents don't have money to send me to school! And while scholarships pay a large chunk of it, I am forced to take out loans that I will be paying back for the rest of my life. If I got a full time job, I wouldn't need the loans, but then again, I probably wouldn't be able to keep my scholarship either.

I am so MAD at the world right now. Nothing seems fair right now. And not even watching an episode of Gilmore Girls or Napoleon Dynamite can bring me out of my current funk (though I did laugh a lot at Napoleon). I'm just so.... UGH!

The world is full of friggin' idiots out to get me! Gosh!

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