Thursday, March 31

This day sucks!

Today has been a sucky day. I hate today. Je deteste jeudi!

Although I did get a perfect score on my French exam... that was the only highlight of my day. Except everyone in that class dogs my French professor, and I have no clue why. I make A's on all the tests. I do what I'm supposed to do. And she seems to be pretty nice to me. Maybe if you didn't skip class and turn in your workbooks late, you might have a better grade. And here's a thought... study for the test! Studying for a test... what a novel idea! I bet you kids have never thought of that. If you fail her class, it's your own fault. Just try a little and she'll meet you halfway.

My allergies have, like, exploded. It hurts to breathe, to blink.

And then, stupid leader had a press conference on an ordinary civilian's death. Now, I admit that the situation was sad, but if you're going to have a press conference for one's death, you've got to do it for all. If you're going to try and change the Constitution for one woman's plight, you've got to be willing to do it for all. That was the most ridiculous thing our government has pulled this year, I think.

Of course, I'm doped up on cold meds, so I'm kind of flighty and my mind is all hibbity-jibbity. They may have done something else stupid since 2005 began.

Suppose I get hit by a bus, dragged for a mile, and then I end up in a coma for three weeks before I die. Would the president hold a press conference for me?

No, I don't think so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Beloved TaraK -

If not for the lovely Smash, I would have never stumbled upon the daily writings of my most missed George's co-worker..

<< GotMyEyEsOnY0U [9:08 PM]: a slight exaggeration of the truth --check out taras blog, she's friggin nuts >>

Find forgiveness in your heart for precious sister..

I just wanted to let you know that I will use the best of my PR abilities to persuade the president to hold you a press conference for any freak accident you should have.. if that fails, I'll hold one myself!
