Friday, December 30

Weirdness, Pt. 2

Okay, so this will very likely be my last post. Post 350. And for several months, I've been wanting to revisit a music survey thing that I did back in 2007 (Weirdness). It's one of those ones where you turn your iTunes on random and you write down whatever song pops up. I thought it was interesting back in 2007 and now that I have more and different music, I'm interested in seeing what songs I get this time around.

If you reached the top of Mount Everest, you would scream: 
Song: Come Back Down
Artist: Lifehouse ---HAHAHAHA. Funny.

The next time you stand up in front of a group of people, you'll say:
Song: Lean On Me
Artist: Cast of Glee ---Interesting.

Your favorite thing to say when drunk is:
Song: Escape
Artist: Nathan Angelo

Your message to the world:
Song: Such Great Heights
Artist: The Postal Service

When you think of your best friend you think:
Song: Life is Wonderful
Artist: Jason Mraz

Your deepest secret:
Song: No Stopping Us
Artist: Jason Mraz

Your innermost desire:
Song: Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want
Artist: The Smiths
---This is hilarious.

Your oldest memory makes you think:
Song: It's a Wonder
Artist: Joe Purdy

Somewhere in your wedding vows, you'll include:
Song: Wonderful Tonight
Artist: Michael Buble

On your deathbed, you'll whisper:
Song: Something's Come Over Me
Artist: Ernie Halter
---Well, that's terrible.

Your friends say behind your back:
Song: Loving You, Loving Me
Artist: Dave Barnes 

You say behind your friends' back:
Song: This Beautiful Ache
Artist: Ernie Halter ---Hmm. Odd.

Your opinion of MySpace:
Song: The L.A. Song
Artist: Dave Barnes

When you wake up in the morning, you mutter:
Song: These Arms of Mine
Artist: Otis Redding

If you found yourself lost on a desert island, you'd yell: 
Song: Learn You Inside Out
Artist: Lifehouse

Right now, your feelings are:
Song: Keep On Loving You
Artist: REO Speedwagon

What's your excuse for reposting this:
Song: To Where You Are
Artist: Josh Groban

Your life's soundtrack:
Song: M.L.T.
Artist: Matt Duke

The day you fall in love will be the day that:
Song: Outside Villanova
Artist: Eric Hutchinson

Your farewell message to the readers of this:
Song: Road to Ride On
Artist: Joshua Radin

2011: Resolutions Update

An update!
1. Pass Comps so that I can... - DONE! April 13, 2011
2. Graduate with a MLIS in May. - DONE! May 10, 2011
3. Read at least 50 books this year. - DONE! December 24, 2011 - barely!
4. Travel somewhere super fun. - DONE! November 2011 - New York and Boston!
5. Decrease my debt. - Semi-done? I would have said DONE! but I bought a new vehicle today, so now I have more debt. But if I only count credit card debt, it would be a resounding DONE!
6. Be healthier overall. - DONE! Lost 25 pounds since the beginning of the year.

Overall, pretty good job on keeping resolutions. I should write more for next year.

However, I don't think I'm going to keep this blog in 2012. I think it is time to shut 'er down. It's been fun, but I rarely update it any more. And if decide to continue blogging, I think I'll do it somewhere else. Who knows? We'll see.

2011: A Review

2011 has been full of all sorts of lessons and life events. For example,

* I graduated with a Master's degree.

* I got a new vehicle.

* I learned I'm getting a new nephew early next year.

* I learned that I can do summer reading programs! They are exhausting, but I can do them! And survive!

* I learned that Aussie tour guides are the BEST!

* I learned that the Atlanta airport is massive. And has insanely steep escalators.

* I learned that I still love Boston.

* I got to travel! To New York and Boston! <3

* I still love my job.

* I sorta miss school.

* I LOVE my Kindle. I don't know how I ever lived without one. Especially for long trips.

* My niece is made of awesome. She cracks me up so much.

* I'm sad there are no more Harry Potters, whether in print or film.

* I saw a Broadway play - Wicked! It was AMAZING.

* I saw Jason Mraz perform an acoustic show at Carnegie Hall, which was awesome.

* Walking snacks are SO great. Driving snacks are pretty okay, too.

* I'm a healthier me!