Tuesday, March 29

Let the Games Begin!

Whoo! Boy, am I ever glad to be back at school. :)

Okay, that's a big load of crapola. School is heating up and I am not happy! I have to give a speech next Monday, and I haven't a clue about what I should do it on. And I have a French exam in two hours that I need to study more for. There's like two to three tests a week from here on out. BLECH! I hate tests. I enjoy most of my classes, but boy, do I hate tests!

Of course, I did get an 88 and a 92 on two tests I didn't study for. And I got a 93 on my demonstrative speech. So, all the classes are going well, except anthropology.

Maybe I just hate to study. I don't know.

I watched the coolest show last night on TLC. One of them was Amazing Medical Stories or something like that and then the one that followed was When Surgeon's Tools Get Left Behind. I understand the whole human error thing, but it amazes me how doctors can leave tools inside a person, especially when they do it two or three times. It's insane. Since that show traumatized me, I have decided that I will not have any kind of surgery unless a family member is in the room to count and recount the medical tools used. I don't want a scalpel or a surgical sponge left in my torso or whatnot.

On Amazing Medical Stories, this one girl had a disease where her skeletal bones were already fused together when she was born, so her head couldn't grow properly. It was quite bizarre. Sometimes her eyes would fall out of their sockets, if she did anything too strenuous. Can you imagine your eye popping out? I think I'd pass out. I mean, I know they make fun of that in Pirates of the Caribbean, but jeepers! It doesn't seem like fun when it's happening to a ten year old girl.

Thankfully, they patched her up, and she is doing much better. Thank Heavens for doctors who do fantastic work without leaving tools behind!

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