Sunday, January 30


"Get refreshed... Have a die coke with ime."

Just one of the many wonderful sayings the local Sonic is advertising. And the sad thing is, that saying has been up there for five days. No one has fixed it yet. It's just insane.

While I was forced to sit up half the night due to my acid reflux, I was treated to reruns of the Ashlee Simpson show. And that's when I realized it... I could be Ashlee's clone. Just think about it. There are some creepy similarities. Like....
  1. Ashlee dyed her hair from blonde to something way darker. I dyed my hair from blonde to something way darker.
  2. Ashlee often paints her fingernails black. I often paint my fingernails black.
  3. Ashlee's singing ability is debatable. My singing ability is debatable.
  4. Ashlee has acid reflux disease. I have acid reflux disease.

Of course, I should be thankful that while I routinely embarrass myself in public, I have yet to embarrass myself on national television, let alone on the fabulous Saturday Night Live.

Not being able to sleep because your stomach acid is ruining your esophageal lining does have its benefits. Because I was not able to sleep, I got to catch Zack Galfianakis on Comedy Central Presents. I'm an old fan of Zack's(and sorry to you if I have completely butchered the spelling of your name). I first saw him on VH1's Late World with Zack. And let me tell you, those were the days. But anyway, he said quite a few hilarious things this morning. I will leave you with one of them.

"How come when a girl says, 'I'm going out to brunch with my girlfriend', no one says anything about it. But the moment I say, 'Me and my boyfriend are going shopping for fanny packs', people automatically assume I'm a gay?"

Wednesday, January 26

Freakin' Yay!

Staples is the best store on the planet! They took back the adapter I bought there last week! Whoa yeah! Now, I'm nearly one hundred dollars richer!

Another exciting piece of information: my new baby has been shipped! Yay to the Dell people!

Holy cow. I have used six exclaimation points in a very small amount of writing. I must be off my rocker.

Anyway, it's obvious that I am more than a little psyched about all these going ons. It's a great day to be alive. :)

Alias tonight, hopefully.

Tuesday, January 25


So, a new computer is headed my way. A fantasmic new Dell Inspiron 5160, and I couldn't be happier. You know who else couldn't be happier? J.K. Rowling gave birth to her newest child, a daughter. That's exciting for her. I just want her to finish the Harry Potter series though. Is that a bad thing?

My old laptop Sirius is truly pathetic. His remaining energy is ebbing while his monitor and mouse no longer work. It's really sad. But since a new one is being built for me, I no longer feel as sad. This new one is better than Sirius, and hopefully, it won't be made as cheaply.

There isn't anything new to report. I do dislike having class with my former suitemates' sisters and best friends. It really is annoying.

Sunday, January 23

That's Life

Can't keep a computer working. Can't get the right medicine at the pharmacy. Got lost on the way to Olive yesterday. Spent a million years being bored in Olive yesterday. Froze to death in Olive yesterday. Froze to death in Arkansas today. It's just one thing after another. But that's life, of course. C'est la vie, and all that hockey puck.

Once again, I am trapped in the school's library. It's super quiet since it is Sunday. I'm trying to corral myself a new notebook as soon as I can afford one, but I'm not sure when that will be. I know I shouldn't be acting so crazy about the loss of my laptop, but I swear to you, that laptop was like my child. I loved it to pieces.

The school's library makes me very sleepy. I want to just crash out right here. But I have a thing about sleeping in public --- I don't. You never know what will happen as soon as your lids shut.

On a lighter note, congrats to all my speech kids! You guys rock my socks off! You'll never read this, I'm sure, but at least I know it's out here for all to see.

Saturday, January 22

I am so SICK

I am so sick. Not because my sister is sick or anything... but because my dear Sirius is no longer with me. He's gone forever! What am I to do without my trusty laptop that follows me everywhere?

And I've got my stupid printer all loaded with ink for the first time in ages... all for freakin' nothing! I just want to vomit. It's awful. I can't consciencely buy one, when I'm sure that just as soon as I use my savings for a new computer, a huge semi will demolish me on the highway and it will be deemed my fault. So then, my insurance would skyrocket and I'd be screwed, having spent my last dime on a new computer.

I could buy one of ebay for cheap... but can you trust everyone on ebay? You're supposed to be able to... but for a cheap laptop, I don't know that I would be that trusting with my money.

Stupid. I am so stupid. My Sirius is so stupid.

I hate everything. Grr.

Friday, January 21

Saving Sirius!

Hooray! My favorite uncle thinks he can save my computer! I'm so excited. If he does save Sirius, life should be back to normal next week! Yeah for computer knowledgeable uncles! :)

Made it home from school after driving like a maniac. Of course, I was tired, since I had to wake up in the middle of the night to watch Alias. I'm glad I woke up to watch it... it was very good! The whole ice thing freaked me out!

So, I think I'm going to fail my Anthropology class. The professor speaks really low and slowly about nothing in particular for 50 minutes each time we meet. I mean, he is speaking about anthropology for the most part... but then he goes on these weird tangents. And we're supposed to be diligently taking down everything that is coming out of his mouth. But the question is: are the tangents on the test as well? Or is that just added knowledge for us?

Smashers is sick, which means we will all be sick before too long. I think she has the flu. I'm hoping I don't get it, though. I just got this call from my work. They were wanting me to come in (but I couldn't on account of the fact I'm in another state) so that they could go over my evaluation and get me a raise! A potential raise! I've only been there for, like, four months. But I always come early and stay late if I'm needed. And I've only missed one day of work the entire time! I'm like super worker!

On the weird factor, I told this customer that I felt like a zoo animal in my glass cage. I don't think he found it amusing. I don't find it amusing that I told him that fact. But, oh well.

Thursday, January 20

Immense Lacking

Okay. After not having my own computer since Monday, I was hit with another devastating blow.... no Alias last night! The stupid ABC affiliate aired a basketball game instead of the wonderful Alias! So, now, I have to stay up late tonight to watch my favorite show, since this idiotic ABC affiliate has relegated Alias to air at 12:30 a.m. on Fridays. Joy

You meet a lot of crazies while working in a convenience store. Not so much crazies that are out to kill you, but those who are just a tad on the overly weird side. This one fellow came in yesterday, telling me about how he's only had two hours of sleep in three days. And let me tell you, the boy looked it! And was he ever out of it! He ended up coming back in the store three separate times. It was kind of creepy.

Then, this other guy comes in, telling me all about how he has three lab classes this semester. Three! Who takes three lab classes? And to top it all off, he tells me that one of his labs should be a "huge stress reliever." I don't know how he came to that conclusion, but anyway....

I love my American Government class. The professor is a real live wire. And I remembered when the Magna Carta was signed, so go me! And I learned that from watching Billy Madison. And they say movies don't teach you anything! :)

Just to clarify, the adapter for my broken computer did not cost five hundred dollars. It did cost close to one hundred dollars, but not quite. My tendency to exaggerate seems to get worse everyday.

Oh, well. Guess it could be worse.

Tuesday, January 18

Explanation of sorts

Okay, sorry to totally beat a dead horse, but the issue of my laptop not working completely sucks.

Did I mention I bought a new adapter for it, which cost like five hundred dollars? And while the adapter is on and receiving power, the laptop doesn't recognize it? Nor does it recognize the old adapter. And now the battery is completely gone. All I have left is a block of metal and plastic sitting on my desk.

I must find an answer. If anyone knows the answer, tell me, please.

Did I mention the fact that there are like a kazillion downloaded songs from iTunes on it?


Hooked On Phonics

... didn't work for this guy. He mistakenly pointed out a Blimpie sandwich as a Subway sandwich in the elevator. Then, he turns to me and says, "Hooked On Phonics didn't help sh**."

For some reason, I found that more than a little amusing. I must be hard up for entertainment.

So, here I am, in our billion dollar library on campus. And it's so quiet. All anyone can hear is the clack of keys and the slight scrape of books being pulled off the shelves. And this keyboard I'm using sucks. Maybe it's because it's a Dell or it's overused. I don't know. The keys stick in the weirdest places. My laptop still doesn't work. I'm hoping to find an answer here in the library before I go to work.

I wrote a pitiful note last night to my refrigerator begging it to help my computer. How can the refrigerator help my computer? I've lost my mind over this computer issue, and it's only been 24 hours!

Oh, I am so distraught. It's terribly sad when your best friend in the world is your laptop. I've poured my hopes and dreams into that thing.... and now they're gone! Gone, gone, gone! My beloved computer is nothing more than a dream killer!

On the upside, American Government is proving to be a fun class, despite it's early start. I feel relatively popular, seeing as how I know many of the people in that class, including two of my previous room-mates/ suite-mates.

Having class with people you never really liked in the first place. Oh, joy.

Sunday, January 16

Memoirs of a Melodramatic Drama Queen

"So, I've started writing my memoirs."

This is what my dear friend Forge tells me as we are waiting for the start of In Good Company on Friday. We're 20. Well, she's 20; I've got a few months left. But memoirs at 20? How does that even work? Is that possible?

I'm sure she has exciting things to say. It's just... for some reason, I think that memoirs are to be written after years and years of gaining wisdom and being alive and stuff.

On the other hand, I guess it's a good thing to get an early start. Who knows what you'll forget by the time you're 40? Will I remember the time I climbed through the bars at the movie theater, just to see if I could do it? Will I remember the time me and Big Me got caught up in a Cops-like undercover bust of some evil bad guy? Will I remember the time I hit a cow with my mother's Grand Am?

Maybe I should start writing my own memoirs.