Wednesday, March 23

Vaughn is born!

Today is the official day of random-ness for this week.

I bought my very own bamboo plant. I named it Vaughn. Or Mikey V. It depends on what mood I'm in.

I called Bradley today, just to check if she was still alive.

The guy who rang up my purchases at Wal-Mart was a cutie. And he totally liked my bamboo plant!

My sister hangs out with kids that steal stuff. I don't know why. She fails to see the problem with hanging out with such miscreants. Furthermore, my sister is an idiot.

Much fantastic news about the Alias season finale! Special special special guest star! A guest star that we love very much!

These kids smelled like smoke at the school today. And usually, I can deal with it. But it was so strong, I could have passed out. It was crazy. For the rest of the afternoon, all I could say was "Flock of Seagulls!"

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