Wednesday, March 30

Rooney, Sunshine, and a Dictator for President!

Today has been a surprisingly wonderful day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the wind was whistling as it passed. It was just beautiful outside.

This morning, I dressed myself in my brown Rooney shirt and jeans, along with the good old Chucks! And I went out into the world, just smiling at everyone and looking at the world around me.

Yes, I was smiling. I never smile. Please don't ask me why I picked this day to smile.

I went to ALL my classes. I settled on a topic for my informative speech and printed out alot of research. I talked to all my friends, even the one from France!

Then, I was at work, and this guy comes in to get a coke. He saw my shirt and asked if I like Rooney. I told him, of course, silly boy! I've seen them three times in concert and even have the lead singer's guitar pick (thanks, Mom!). He thought that was pretty exciting. So we talked about Rooney for a few minutes and when he left, he said he was glad to have found someone else who thinks Rooney is super awesome!

So, the day was flying high! And then, this moron comes in, with two other kids, complaining about how Arnold was trying to get the Constitution changed so he could someday run for president. I made the comment that if that were to happen, I would be moving to Canada. He found that rather funny. After laughing for a moment, he stopped, and with the most sincere look on his face, he said, "I wish Bush could stay president for the rest of his life."

::Sigh:: I have no words.

ETA: As I was walking through the caf, a random guy stopped me and complimented me on my Rooney shirt! Two Rooney stories in one day! It doesn't get any better than that. Of course, seeing them live does get better than that but STILL!

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