Saturday, March 19

Build me up...

...Buttercup, baby, then you bring me down, and mess me around. And then worst of all, you never call, baby, when you say you will. But I love you still! I need you, more than anyone does, I've needed you from the start. Build me up, Buttercup, don't break my heart!

For some insane reason, I have had that song in my head for two days. Last night, I danced all around Wal-Mart, singing it at the top of my lungs. And whenever I'm at home, I just start singing that song out of the blue. I don't know why. I think my Mom is going to sell me on e-Bay. I mean, seriously. I need to join a 12 step program or something. It's out of control. Though, I guess it could be worse. I could be blurting out expletives in five minute intervals. It's probably best to just stick with the singing.

How much fun are MTV's Spring Break festivities? They're so... boring. Of course, I've never found them extremely exciting in previous years, but still. The whole Spring Break hysteria is lost on me. My best spring break was last year, when I went on a road trip and ended up in Washington, D.C.! Maybe I'm just a big ol' dork, but give me something historical any day over boozing and snoozing on a sunny beach. The whole idea of MTV's Spring Break doesn't impress me.

I know. I'm weird. At least I embrace my weirdness. Some people run from their weirdness. Or are they running from me? Hmm. Something to think about.

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