Wednesday, December 30

2009: A Review

What did I do in the year 2009? What did I learn in the year 2009? Let me count:

* I started graduate school, which turned out to be more difficult and stressful than I anticipated. I'm in the "swing of things" now, so it's not as stressful.

* I quit my job to work at a small public library. In doing so, I took a pretty not-so-great cut in pay. However, I must remember that experience will pay off more in the long run.

* Hospitals are not fun to sleep in or stay in for any length of time.

* I enjoy my new job far more than I ever enjoyed my old job.

* Indie films or other films off the beaten path are usually my favorite films! Hooray!

* I became an aunt to a precious little kidling. Baby AC, 7/30/2009!

* Glee has found its way into my life. Snark + Songs = Awesome! Also, Jane Lynch is even more awesome than I thought possible!

* White Christmases are beautiful, but not so great for the driving around.

* I found a new author that I like! And she's got a new book coming out next year. Hooray!

* I went to the beach for the first time. Walked on the beach for the first time! Saw the ocean for the first time! Stood in the ocean for the first time!

* Visited the states of Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida -- four states I've not visited before 2009.

* Discovered a town called Transylvania in Louisiana. Stopped in Transylvania. Did not see Dracula, Edward Cullen, or Bill Compton.

* Became outraged at the idea of mixing/mashing classic literature with weirdness such as sea monsters and zombies. Sense and Sensibility doesn't take place near water. How can there be sea monsters?!?!

* Saw Jason Mraz in April. Always a wonderful experience.

I'm sure that there is more to report, but I can't think of what those are at the moment. I reserve the right to edit this list as necessary.

Best Movies and Television Series of the Decade

As the decade dwindles to a close, there are a lot of "Best of" lists popping up. I set out to create my own "Best of" list. While some of my choices are more frivolous than others, these films are not necessarily films that I watch on a regular basis. These are films that I feel represent the decade or, rather, my experience of the decade.
Now, I tried to pare down my list of movies to ten, but it became difficult. I can rank the first few, but then the rankings blur and I can't decide. Therefore, I have 25 movies on my list:

The Departed
Ocean's 11
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Erin Brockovich
The Last King of Scotland
Brokeback Mountain
The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Oh, Brother Where Art Thou?
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Crawford
Garden State
Little Miss Sunshine
Lars and the Real Girl
Away We Go
The Life of David Gale
Runaway Jury
Life as a House
Revolutionary Road
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Gone Baby Gone

Making a Top 10 list for television series was a bit easier:
Gilmore Girls
Boston Legal
Veronica Mars
The Office
Crossing Jordan
Jack and Bobby

Sunday, December 27

New Year's Resolutions

Well, it's time for some good ol' resolutions. While I generally don't make resolutions or keep any silly resolutions that I make. But this year, I decided to make a few and I'm going to record the resolutions here. Hopefully, in a year, I can come back here and reflect on the job well done. Or not.

1) Read a Tolstory. Preferably Anna Karenina. Preferably cover to cover.
2) Be more aware of my budgetary constraints.
3) Read at least 50 books in the year. I probably read close to that this year (if not more), but I didn't keep track. Therefore:
4) Keep track of the books I read during the year.
5) Being more organized in all aspects of life, not just work and/or school.
6) See more than one live musical performance by a favorite musician. This one will be the most tricky, I'm afraid.

Six is probably a good healthy number of resolutions. I think I'll stop there.

Monday, December 21

Mystery Contained in an Envelope

Many years ago (probably my senior year in high school or 2003), I wrote myself a letter. Then, I sealed the letter in an envelope and threw it in a huge Gateway box filled with various items from my childhood and teen years. I forgot about the letter.

Nearly two years ago, I went through the large box and kept only the most essential items. While doing this, I found the letter. The letter is addressed to me and instructs me to not open it until January 1, 2010. I moved the letter to the top drawer of my chest of drawers.

For a year and a half, the envelope has stared at me and taunted me every time I opened the top drawer. It begs to be opened, but I've been good. I've not opened it yet. And in less than 10 days, I can finally open it.

I have no idea what the letter says. I'm assuming that it says something about being a journalist, as that was the plan in high school. I'm really excited to read the letter and interested in knowing what high school me wrote for future (now) me.

I really can't wait to read this letter.