Sunday, August 26

Robert Goulet and How to Be A Rockstar

Why, of all people, does Robert Goulet appear to wreak havoc in the office? I've seen the Emerald Nuts commercials several times and, while I understand that the afternoon sleepies often attack at work and that snacking on something rich in protein like Emerald Nuts, one can counteract the aftenoon weariness.

But Robert Goulet??

I don't know. I guess I'd much rather see William Shatner or something. Someone less obscure than Robert Goulet, whom I'd never even know about had it not been for Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place. If someone's going to come into my office and tear things up, I want to know who it is.

* * *

No, Nickleback, we don't all want to be rockstars. I'd like to be famous (I think), but I have no desire to drive fifteen cars or have a drug dealer on speed dial. Nor would I enjoy a bathroom that I could play football in or a huge tub that would fit ten plus me. Can you imagine cleaning that tub? Or the entire bathroom? I mean, I suppose, if you're a rockstar, you can hire someone to clean for you, but still.

I don't know if they're being sarcastic, but I really find the song annoying. I mean, the singer is so determined to be a rockstar that he'll even get a haircut and a name change. Well, whoop-dee-frickin'-do. What a transformation! The two most important ingredients in gaining fame and fortune are getting a haircut and changing your name. I mean, seriously, is that all it takes? No talent? No integrity? No self-respect?

Oh, wait. I'd forgotten for a moment what time period I live in. Of course, that's all it takes! Silly me for thinking people should be rewarded for their actual talents and merits, not their ability to change their appearance on a whim.

Saturday, August 18

Riding Along in My Automobile....

... I have time to reflect on things. These are some of the things I reflect on while driving down the highway.

"Now Accepting New Customers....."

This slogan was on a sign outside of a local business. However, I don't understand it. Aren't most successful businesses always accepting new customers? Aren't most businesses in general wanting customers of any kind? It seems to me to be a pretty desperate move by the business.

Cardinal rule of motorcycle riding: Always wear a helmet. You do not look "cool" or "cooler" by forgoing the use of a helmet. You just look stupid. A helmet is used to protect your brain from a serious collision. It makes a lot of sense to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle, seeing as how you don't have a steel cage to somewhat protect you from injury.

Why build a new building of office space to lease out when there are several empty buildings of office space in town that are not being used? Wouldn't it be a better use of money to invest it in something that would actually be used?

Are turn signals necessary? Blinkers? Because no one uses them. I mean, I try to use my blinkers as much as possible, but most other drivers do not use them. So, wouldn't it be a better use of money to not include them on a vehicle? If no one uses them, what's the point of including them? It's like the appendix. At one time, the appendix had a specific job. Now, it has been rendered useless because it does nothing. It came to not be used by people's digestive tracts and is now a waste of space. The only time it is used is when something gets caught in it and it must be removed. If we didn't have them, we wouldn't have to spend money to have them removed.

Same thing with blinkers/turn signals.

I find it awkward that Jennifer Garner is in the Neutrogena commercials. It's not some place that I'd expect to see her. It's terribly unnerving.

Why the hell is there a thing like brake dust? I was not aware of the existence of brake dust until I purchased my new vehicle. Now, I know what brake dust is and what it does and I am not happy! Like I don't have enough trouble keeping my car looking fabulous without the added dirt and grime of brake dust. Is it necessary for brakes to give off dust? And why didn't anyone tell me about this phenomenon before now??

Does it take a rocket scientist to fix a postage stamp machine? The post office in town has a broken stamp machine. Apparently, it has been broken for months. Why don't they fix it? Is it a monetary issue? Because as a government business, I would think that they would have the money to fix such a problem. Or is it because it takes a certain kind of genius to fix the machine and the last postage stamp machine fixer-upper keeled over in February? (I don't know if there really is such a thing as a postage stamp machine fixer-upper or if there is one that died in February. If there is one and that particular fixer-upper died in February, it is purely a coincidence that I have mentioned it.) I just don't understand what the big deal is. Fix the damn machine!!! Or stay open normal hours so that people can actually purchase stamps. It's not rocket science, people!

Unless it is. And if it is, I apologize for this rant.

Nah. I don't apologize for this rant. I like to rant. And ranting is what I shall do whenever I feel the need.