Friday, March 18

Party Time!

Whoo hoo, spring break is upon us! Time to lay around, not doing anything at all, for hours on end, right? WRONG! I've got some homework to do. Plus, I'm doing some odd jobs here and there for extra cash to pay for Rory's insurance this month. That Rory sure is getting expensive in her old age!

Nothing fantastic to report, although my sister should be bald after this week. She's colored her hair like six times this week (and no, that's not an exaggeration). It's absolutely insane. And then, she blames our mother for the crappy state of her hair. Mom didn't make her color her hair..... she was all about being a brunette. She needs to accept some responsibility for her actions, dangit! She's 18.

Cody Boaty is bringing over Saw tonight to watch with Smashers. I shudder at the idea of that movie even being shown in my house. I do not want to see that film, nor do I want to hear it either. I want it as far away as possible at all times. I do not like movies like that. Give me Garden State or a John Cusack movie any day.

One last note: I've finally finished watching the third season of Alias (Thanks Mom!). But what I don't understand is how season three seems to have little bearing on season four. It's so.... messed up. The stories that come from season three do not collaborate with the stories from season four. J.J. Abrams, you have some major explaining to do!

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