Tuesday, April 5

Time is Not on MY Side!

Okay. I want my hour back. I'm tired and there's not enough time for homework, class, and sleep. Daylight Savings Time be damned! Do we really need to lose an hour right now? Can't it wait until I have less to do?

As I'm finding out, the world does not revolve around me. Unfortunately.

But if the world did revolve around me, the number one thing on my mind is why Mountain Dew is green. I mean, think about it. Dew is generally clear water droplets, right? Sierra Mist, another mountain-y drink, is clear. So why is Mountain Dew green? Is it from a radioactive mountain?

I don't know. I was just wondering.

I'm watching Farrah Fawcett on Regis and Kelly, and I must say, she must be on crack or something. She needs to cut back or something. She could be the poster girl for why you shouldn't do drugs.

And now, I'll leave you with the start of a poem or something that I thought of on my way to Government.
The sky is unforgiving today.
One wrong step,
And you're drenched
By a torrent
Of rain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

funny girl... =)