Monday, April 25

Time! Humph!

This morning, I was getting ready for my geography class. I was doing fine on time. I left my room at 9:59. Granted, the class starts at 10, but the professor is always five minutes late. So, I'm walking to class.

And I notice there's no one outside. Usually you see a few stragglers (like myself), but there was no one. So I check my Tink watch, which informs me that it's 10:25! And the class I'm going to is one where the door gets locked to keep late stragglers out!

Sad and unsettled, I trudge back up to my room. And there, I find that it's only 10:08! What the crap is this all about? Time can't make up its mind or something? It's one time here and another time across the room?

So, I check every clock I can find. And they're all sporting the same time. Except for Tink.

By the time I've verified the actual time, I'm way late for class. Now, I'm just sitting here, copying down some study questions for my Anthropology class.

I love you, Tink-watch. But don't ever do that to me again! I like Professor Canerday's class!


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