Saturday, April 16

Getting Closer to Oscar Wilde

So, I'm watching Closer. I've heard mixed reviews about it. Some people have told me its absolutely fabulous. Others have told me it's absolute trash. But I wanted to see it from the first time I saw the trailer, so here I am, watching it on a Saturday night.

While I'm finishing up my preparation outline for my Oscar Wilde speech. It's kind of weird, clashing together poetry with a movie such as this.

I did watch Finding Neverland earlier. It was great. Johnny Depp should have gotten the Best Actor Oscar for that one. It was very good.

I would like to read the original book by JM Barrie. I don't know where I shall find it. Perhaps in a library?

Nearly an hour into Closer, I fail to see why some individuals refer to it as trash, wishing they "could burn every copy in existence." The way the time jumps is kind of confusing, though. I think I'm one place and suddenly, I'm a year into the future.

I do enjoy the British accents. Those are fun.

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