Wednesday, April 20

Keep Your Mouth Shut!

Tom DeLay, here's a little friendly advice. Shut your trap! Just because other members of government aren't doing what you want them to do, because they're following, oh, I don't know, a little document I'd like to call The Constitution, doesn't mean you can get up every morning and gripe them out on CSPAN. Get yourself a blog or something. If someone wants to hear what you have to say, they can read your blog. Otherwise, shut up. I certainly don't want to hear what you have to say. You're wasting not only my time, but thousands of other people's time.

And you're using up perfectly good oxygen.

Have you even read the Constitution, Mr. DeLay?

Judging from your daily temper-tantrums, no, you haven't read it. So, go read it, and then maybe, someone will want to listen to you.

Ugh. I'm in a sour mood this morning. Didn't fall asleep until two in the morning! Therefore, I awoke with a migraine. Blech. So, I am missing my first class(which I've never missed!) and trying to clear my head up before Anthropology.

And will someone please duct-tape Tom DeLay's mouth shut?


Anonymous said...

You crack me up!

Anonymous said...

ugggghhhhh!!! you are such a liberal. you are too young to be filled with so much anger.