Thursday, February 3

A Pepsi-Less Life

Holy cannoli. The only store in my town is fighting with the Pepsi distributer. This spells bad news for me, for I am a Pepsi-holic. Coca-Cola will not suffice. If I have to travel to Timbuktu, I will have my Pepsi. "If I have to tear this universe another black hole, I'm going to find it! I've got to, Mister!"

On a lighter note, my new baby Dell is in. We'll meet this weekend and discuss our future together. Hopefully, our future will be so bright, the whole world will need sunglasses.

And how about a major bummer! It did not snow today! It always snows on this day. And it didn't. The whole week is ruined. :(

Not really. But the Pepsi thing really does have me down.

And Jenjer, if you read this, I hope you feel better! :D

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