Monday, February 21

It's Official: I'm Retarded

Not retarded in the sense that there is something wrong with me mentally. Well... I'm sure some could argue that there are things wrong with me mentally. But outside of that sense, I'm retarded. Today, I was using my back/neck massager thing to work out some knots while I was watching Frailty. All of a sudden, when I had the massager on my head, the television screen began to move erratically. When I took the massager away from my head, the movement stopped. It was quite bizarre. So, I put the massager against my head, and again, the screen jumped. I couldn't believe it! I was sure that I had acquired some kind of weird power that could control the television.

And then, I realized that I am, in fact, retarded. The screen wasn't moving; my head was moving due to the vibrations of the massager. I am an idiot.

On top of that astounding feat of intelligence, I fell twice today: once going up the stairs and once going down the stairs.

As you can see, today has been wonderful. Actually, it was a pretty awesome day, since I was wearing my "Vote for Pedro" shirt! Yeah! I got a lot of feedback on the Pedro-ness. It was great!
Another great thing was when my dorm had a fire alarm go off around five this afternoon. Now, normally, these things annoy me. Well, this one annoyed me, too. But, while standing outside waiting to be let back in the building, I noticed that one of my fellow dormspeople looks exactly like Robert Carmine with shorter hair! It was uncanny! And I love Robert Carmine! He's about the only dude I'd drop everything to marry in a heartbeat (Prince William is the other one)! Of course, everyone but this guy was talking about my Pedro shirt, when all I wanted was for him to saunter up and say something like "Hey, I play a mean guitar and I'm looking for a duet singer that loves to rock the Chuck Taylor Converses."

But noooooooooooo. I did not get that. I know nothing. I don't know his name or anything about him (the dorm guy), although I do know quite a bit about Robert Carmine.

Hmm... I may have to become a stalker!

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