Friday, February 18

Oh, Are You Ever Going to Be Sorry!

Okay, Mr. KATV. You and Mr. Acid Reflux are fixing to hit the road. Because of your inability to air Alias at its proper time, and Mr. Acid Reflux's ability to keep me awake at all hours of the night, I missed the entire episode last night. I had gotten maybe six hours of sleep in the last 48 hours and I completely crashed during the show and couldn't be roused.

Now, you may be saying, 'Hey, this isn't my problem. If some kid can't stay awake, that's her own fault.' WRONG! It IS your fault. If you aired the show when it is originally supposed to air, neither of us would be having this problem.

But now, there's a problem. I missed a whole episode of Vartan! What is wrong with you people!? I dislike KATV more than Mr. Fisher to the infinite degree! You probably have NO idea how horrible that is, but whoa yeah, it's bad. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

KATV: You are officially on my Bad News list. Watch your back.

On a much happier note, my Uncle Melvin will be home soon! Isn't that completely fantabulous?! :-D Hugs and Kisses to Uncle Melvin! Hope to see you soon! :D


tkra said...

Ha! I'm commenting to myself! What fun!

Anonymous said...

u have lotsa issues..!