Saturday, February 5

One of those lazy crazy hazy days

It's been a slooooooow day. Quiet and boring. Not my cup of tea, but what the hey?

I've spent most of the day wasting time with Kip. Did I mention that I was also wearing my "Vote for Pedro" shirt? Yes, I am a dork. And yes, I like me that way.

I do love my new Kip. He is much fun. I like surfing the net without my computer burning a hole in my thigh. It's very convenient.

I don't know if it's because television stations are gearing up for the Super Bowl tomorrow, but every freakin' channel has been showing nothing but crap all day long! I can't take all this paralyzing mind warping by the media. At least entertain my brain if you're going to warp me! Give me something to laugh about! And no, do not show me what's on RFDTV, thank you very much.

Nothing to say but babbles and rambles. Sorry. I'll go somewhere else to entertain myself.

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