Monday, February 7

The Best Thing Since PB&J on Whole Wheat Bread is...

....Bright Abbott, on this week's episode of Everwood. Sometimes you just hate Bright for being idiotic. But sometimes, you just love him to pieces. This episode was one of the latter. He's just the greatest. The hero of the week is Bright Abbott, played by Chris Pratt. Kudos to you, buddy!

I also love the new doctor on Everwood. I can't think of his character's name or who plays him, but he has the cutest dimples on primetime since Jennifer Garner!

Enough television talk. The real world was pretty boring today. Nothing much of interest, except an excursion to the grocery store, where I did probably the BEST parking job I have ever done in four years of driving. Next, Forge and I tried to find the area post office, which was the biggest flop of any search party ever. Then, I showed Forge the best of the nearby lake, which was nice and fun. But all too soon, it was time for work. Blech.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my job. And I'm not being sarcastic. I really do love working where I work now. It's fantastic. But it was such a gray day.... it was a good day to sleep. And I didn't sleep much last night to begin with, so I was extra tired. Thus the reason I am going to bed extra early this evening (of course, I do have an 8 a.m. class tomorrow, as well).

On a closing note, Happy Anniversary to me! I have had my tattoo for exactly one year. How exciting.

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