Saturday, May 14

Will the Real Monster Please Stand Up?

So, I enjoyed Monster-In-Law today. I would have enjoyed it more without the presence of Jennifer Lopez, but oh well. We can't have everything we want.

I thought Jane Fonda performed very well in Monster-In-Law. She was very funny (as was Wanda Sykes). And of course, Michael Vartan was excellent, although, he wasn't onscreen enough for my liking. The hype around J.Lo (as she was formerly called) has ruined her as an actress for me. She was like Paris Hilton before Paris stole the limelight. Furthermore, I wish Paris would realize that her 15 minutes of fame ended, oh, about 72 hours ago. I'm tired of seeing her everywhere.

Of course, I must be the only one, seeing as how she's still plastered everywhere.

I do want to address the backlash that surrounds Jane Fonda for the "Hanoi Jane" incident. While I was not alive at the time, I do find it slightly stupid for her to be receiving such backlash to this very day. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions about everything and anything. If you don't like what someone has to say, don't listen. It's as simple as that.

The first amendment grants us the right to free speech. Some would do well to remember that.

And if you have a problem with what I'm saying, then get yourself your own blog and say whatever the hell you want. Don't jump down my throat because I have a differing opinion. If you want to fight with me on my opinions, that's fine. But I am entitled to have them, whatever they may be.

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