Tuesday, May 3

Choose Your Own Adventure

Remember those books? Yeah. Those were fun. Why can't life be like a Choose Your Own Adventure book? Where if you don't like the outcome, you just go back to the beginning and choose another adventure?

I guess you can, in some ways. But it'd be so much easier if we could jump to our adventures like in the books, instead of having to work towards an adventure.

Did you know that Ford has a program to help college students get a new or used vehicle? You should definitely check out this site. That's exciting. Dad didn't find it as exciting as I found it. Oh, well. That's the way of life, I suppose.

There are rumors that Jennifer Garner is pregnant. If this brings up some Rambaldi baby storyline, I'm going to be one angry Alias fan. She's all Sydney Bristow, Super Spy! There are no time for children right now. Take a look at Dixon's kids.... they get all kidnapped! Do you want that to happen to your children, Sydney?

Now, I don't necessarily want her to have a child with Ben Affleck, but like she cares what I want. In my opinion, Michael Vartan is much prettier than Ben Affleck.

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