Saturday, May 21

That's Dangerous!

I've been very dangerous today. I've walked on the wild side, dabbled in the dark forces, spent my risks on one throw of the dice.

Mother and I went and ate Chinese food. It was particularly yummy. We had too much left over, so we kindly asked for a to-go box or two. We piled up our leftovers and we quickly found that we had a dilemma. How do we transport the sweet and sour sauce back home, without spilling it all over the car? Mom decides to pour the sauce into one of the compartments of the box. Just as she finished pouring and right before I started pouring my sauce, this waiter came over with two styrofoam bowls of sweet and sour sauce with their own lids. He saw what Mom had done and goes, "Oh, no! That's dangerous!"

For some reason, I found it insanely funny.

I also chopped off a good three inches off my hair. I went nuts. It had to go. The humidity was driving me crazy and making me itchy. So, now, I am left with a slightly longer than chin length bob.

I am insanely awesomely cool. Don't forget it.

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