Friday, May 6

Hello! I Can See YOU!!!

Dude. While I was stopped at a stoplight, I noticed this little old man behind me doing something quite odd. The intersection was busy; traffic was hectic. Yet here sat this little old man in his business suit and new Ford Taurus doing something completely ridiculous.

This man was picking his nose. Not only that, he was eating what he was pulling out of his nose. He would shove his finger up his nose, pull out what he could, examine it for a moment, and then shove it into his mouth and chewed. CHEWED! He was chewing his nose crusties in front of God and everyone.

I wanted to smack some sense into him. Or at least let him know that everyone could see what he was doing.

He probably didn't care that people could see him enjoying his after-dinner snack. He most likely figures that it's something that everyone does.

Now, I don't know about you, but I don't know too many people that eat the junk that comes out of their nose. And the ones that I do know are under the age of five. This man was at least ten times the age of five.

I don't care whether the man was hungry or not. Don't do stuff like that in public.

Because we can see you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Frickin hilarious!!!