Tuesday, May 10

Missteaks in Speling

I absolutely despise spelling mistakes.

It seriously drives me crazy. I want to pull my hair out. Is it that hard to learn how to spell a word or two? Like disgusting. It is not discusting. I don't even see how you get that.

Or when someone uses a word that has two different spellings. This usually means it has two different meanings. For example, weather and whether. This kid was talking on his website/blog about how he didn't know "weather or not" his car needed a new tire or something. Unless his tire was erupting into violent storms or hurricanes, I don't imagine he's got much of a problem.

I don't know. I guess I'm just some crazy psycho when it comes to spelling matters. Perhaps I should enter a 12-step program or something. Could be beneficial to my health.

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