Thursday, September 3

A Letter to Two Musicians

Dear Dave Barnes and Nathan Angelo,

I respectfully request that you perform at a venue closer to my place of residence.

While that may seem like a silly thing to request (and I'm sure you hear silly requests like this all the time), I assure you that I am unable to travel great distances at this time (like the time I traveled to Houston last fall to see Jason Mraz). You see, I work as a (baby) librarian in a public library and I don't have consecutive days off.

Additionally, I'm a grad student and I really have no money or time for extravagant things like concerts. But let me assure you: if you come close enough (within a few hours drive), I will be there even if I have to sell my plasma to have enough money for the tickets. (I should tell you that I'm anemic 99% of the time and they won't want my plasma. Also, I probably wouldn't sell my plasma because I know that they wouldn't want it and it'll just be a big waste of time even trying to attempt to sell my plasma. I don't really need to sell my plasma anyway because I have enough money to survive on. I'm just trying to fully express the lengths I would go to see you guys perform live.)

The bottom line is: I am dying to see you guys perform live. And if you could perform together, that would be even MORE awesome!

Please take this request under advisement.

Sincerely yours,
In Need of Fresh Squeezed Live Performances of Two Talented Musicians
in Arklahoma

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