Monday, September 7

23 Things: Thing 4

I explored Flickr for Thing #4. I've used Flickr before, looking at interesting pictures and the like. Before the popularity of Flickr, I started a private account at Photobucket, where I upload images to share with friends and on webpages. I don't think it is as shiny as Flickr appears to be (in its organization and overall presentation), but it gets the job done.

I think Flickr (and other sites like it) offer a place to organize and share photos with the world. Photos are another form of information. People can share their knowledge of the world by sharing what they have seen.

After trying a variety of search terms (giraffe, Boston, weird, etc), I stumbled upon this picture by Ben Zvan.

This picture is so intriguing! I love the decorative elements on the doorknob. And the way-too-curious part of me wants to know what is going on behind the door! What could it be? I'm sure it could be something ordinary, something run-of-the-mill. Perhaps a dark room lit only by a lone lamp in the middle of the room. Or it could be a room full of windows, middle-of-the-day sunlight streaming in at all angles. Or it could be a door to someplace secret... somewhere imaginary. Neverland, perhaps?

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