Sunday, September 20

23 Things: Thing 9

Thing 9 is all about online collaboration tools. Of the two I could check out, I choose to create a document using GoogleDocs. I first chose a template of a 2009 calendar and updated (manipulated) it to suit my own needs. Then, I saved it as 2009-YA programming, which outlines the programming I've done and am doing for the VBPL teens this year. It is sort of a rough online calendar of the written (and more detailed) calendar I have in my notebook.

It was very easy to choose a template and update it. If I were to allow the ability to edit my document, other users could change and add things at will. One would definitely have to be careful to protect his or her document if he or she wanted it to remain unedited. Otherwise, they could return (I'm assuming) to a crazily altered version of their former document.

I may try to implement using this in a library setting at my library. A easily accessible calendar would let everyone know what is happening when and offer suggestions or comments ahead of time.

Also, I've decided that Google is planning to take over the world. They are acquiring everything and are permeating everything. It's either world domination or Google is the antiChrist. Only time will tell.

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