Wednesday, June 8

Uh, Excuse Me? That's Disgusting!

When I came out of work today, I noticed something had been splashed across the passenger side window. The something is a brownish color. I wasn't sure of what it could be. Perhaps I hit a particularly large bug on the way to work.

But it was in an odd spot. I don't think it could have been a bug. And the way that it's splattered across the window isn't consistent with a bug splatter. Plus, the splatter was HUGE. I would have definitely heard that bug's impact, had it been a bug.

Suddenly, I realize what the foul splattered liquid of yuck is.

Tobacco juice. Someone had the audacity to spit tobacco juice on my vehicle. Gross.

I hope Karma comes back and spits tobacco juice on the rude individual that decided to spit their mouthful of cancerous saliva all over my vehicle. I hope Karma spits tobacco juice right in your face.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey there. I was just flipping through some of these blogs and I happened onto yours. you are an excellent writer with a rapier wit. I have often wondered what a hollaback girl was, but I gave up trying to figure it out and assumed that the song was actually part of a USDA sponsored program to get kids to eat more fruit through subliminal messages. although its not very subliminal, its quite.... liminal? oh and by the way that purple ensemble you have on in your pic? it's working for you.