Saturday, June 11


I am worried. I am frightened by Tom Cruise. I'm afraid that he is off his rocker.

I wish that he was safely locked away somewhere. I don't like looking at Crazy Eyes.

* * *

I was getting gas for my Rory on the other side of Metropolis yesterday. This guy at the other pump looks at me and goes, "Hey, you work at the Casino!"

Um, yeah. But how do you know that? "Maybe."

"Well, can you get me my money back?"

Oh, you mean the money that is now lining my pockets in the form of my paycheck? No, I really don't think I can help you. "Sorry. I have no control in your financial dealings."

I don't know how he recognized me. It's not like I'm out there on the Casino floor. Ninety percent of the time, I'm locked away from the public.

* * *

Again. Tom Cruise is crazy.

* * *

I... told someone that they didn't exist last night. I don't know why I said that.

That wasn't very nice of me.

* * *

I want to see War of the Worlds, despite the crazy of Tom Cruise. But I am scared to see it by myself. Who will go with me?

I'm not going alone, like I did to see Revenge of the Sith. No. I do not think I could handle it by myself.

* * *

Why must people drive so slowly and behave with such stupidity? Can we not at least pretend that we have some sort of intelligence about us?

And why must people go crazy like Tom Cruise? I am scared for Katie Holmes. But she's been acting a little crazy herself.

Is this what happens? When you're in love, you go crazy? You jump on furniture and frighten talk show hosts? You go around with a crazy look in your eyes?


* * *

I jumped on Mom's bed today. Sorry Mom. You leave town and I jump on your bed.

Such is the way of life.

But you have a higher ceiling. Jumping on my bed is just plain dangerous. Only a Kamikaze would jump on my bed.

Or Tom Cruise.

* * *

I wish I could tesseract. I could go anywhere in the universe at the drop of a hat. So convenient. So enjoyable.

Think of the money you could save on gas.

Could start some world peace... this tesseract-ing.

* * *

Just because I jump on a bed... this does not make me crazy like Tom Cruise.

I enjoyed jumping on furniture before Tom Cruise professed his love for Katie Holmes by jumping on furniture.

I wanted to clear that up.

* * *

Build me up, buttercup
Don't break my heart...


Anonymous said...

well I do believe you said that I shouldnt exist, not that I dont exist :P

Anonymous said...

oh, and by the way.
I need you (I need you) more than anyone darlin.
You know that I have from the start.
So build me up (build me up) buttercup, dont break my heart.

Anonymous said...

Stop jumping on my bed.