Saturday, June 25

Things I've Noticed

I used to think Orlando Bloom was awesome.

Two months ago, I woke up and realized that he can't act to save his life. I've spent the last two years blinded by his pretty face. But that's all he is: a pretty face, no substance.

He should have been a model.

ETA: Years later, I retract this realization. I like him. He acts well. The end.

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Someone needs to shut Tom Cruise up before something bad happens to him. He thinks he can go around blurting out stuff all the time because he's Tom Cruise! He knows everything! He studies everything!

I wanted to see War of the Worlds. Wanted being the key word there.

I no longer want to see it. I don't care who directed it.

Then, I started thinking about Tom's other movies and which ones I've liked. And the only one I even liked at all was Mission Impossible.

I think he needs to restrain himself. I understand that he has his opinions and he is entitled to have these opinions and speak his opinions without judgement (everyone's entitled to their opinions and we shouldn't judge opinions), but I'm having a really hard time with this.

I think maybe if he had always been this outspoken and wild acting, it wouldn't bother me so much. But it really just seems to me that he has exploded in the media recently. This suggests a big publicity stunt in order to boost War of the Worlds.

I don't know about Tom Cruise anymore.

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Why do the new country singers sing through their nose? If all it took was singing through your nose, I know a lot of people who would make it big.

Quit singing through your dang nose! You can sing without sounding Nanny-esque.

There's one country singer that I have in mind. But I care not to remember her name. I just wish she'd stop singing through her nose.

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Speaking of country singers, I am beginning to dislike Toby Keith more and more. I used to like him back in the day. But now.... not so much.

I think my dislike for Toby Keith started when he released that song, The Angry American. I have... issues with that song.

I'm thankful for the freedom we have in America. I'm grateful to every soldier who has fought to maintain that freedom.

But... We'll put a boot in your ass, it's the American way ???

How is that "the American way?" Does our Constitution say anything about putting boots in people's asses?

'Cause, I mean, I've read it on more than one occasion, and I don't remember that line being anywhere in the official document of our country.

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I love Garden State. I don't care who knows it.

My favorite scene is where they yell into the abyss. That just looks like all kinds of fun.

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Did you know, that when in proper working order, windshield wipers will remove moisture from the windshield?

I had heard that windshield wipers performed that function. But it's been so long since mine have been in working order. I had forgotten. I had been in need of new windshield wipers for over a year.

Windshield wipers are a good thing.

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I don't care for being an adult.

Working all the time just to pay off bills is not what I'd call fun.

As a child, you seemed to have time for everything. But now? There isn't enough time to do everything you need to do in one day.

Does anyone know how to get in contact with Peter Pan? I'd very much like a visit from Peter and Tink. I could be persuaded to run away to Neverland, I think.

How very easily I could be persuaded.

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