Friday, September 30


I am so tired.

Just complete and utter exhaustion.

I feel like I've ran mile after mile of a marathon, hour after hour, day after day for an entire week! I'm so tired that I feel like I'm not even here.

I haven't slept well this week. And when I haven't been sleeping poorly, I've been studying, which did not help me much.

I'm absolutely disappointed. Mostly in myself, but I am also thoroughly disappointed in this week.

All week long, I kept telling myself, "It's going to be okay. You'll get through this week. And then, on Thursday night, you have the season premiere of Alias to watch. Everything will be fine."

Wrong. Everything is not fine. Life sucks and then, you die. Big, fantastic yay-ness for that.

And I thought that I was doing a pretty good job at hiding how tired and stressed I've been this week, but wrong on that account, too. My French professor pulled me aside after class yesterday to ask if I was okay. And this poor lady has had a rough week! Probably even more so than mine!

I probably failed my French test miserably. I probably let her down with my score.

But again, I kept thinking, Alias is on tonight. It's new and fun and it'll make up for your bad week.


Michael Vaughn was violently killed off the show. Like, extremely violently killed. I don't know if I've ever seen a more brutal death on television. I mean, who knows? They may eventually bring the character of Vaughn back. But I really don't think I want them to do that. Then, the show will be just one giant soap opera, with people coming back from violent deaths all the time. (Of course, usually, no one stays dead on Alias for long.) I love the character of Vaughn, but if they're just going to bring him back to torture him and kill him again, I'd rather they leave him dead.

I'm going to quit telling myself things. I'm just a big ol' liar.

And I'm going to quit thinking, too.

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