Thursday, October 6

Procreation Must Stop!

So, the inevitable has happened. The horrible awful outcome of a bizarre and twisted relationship has finally come to fruition.

Tom Cruise and Kate Holmes are expecting a child.

I'm sure that the Scientology Community is extremely happy for them. I mean, after all, the Scientologists have a new heir to the throne. They have Tom's little one to carry on after Tom goes off to that great Scientology meeting in the sky.

I had thought that since he had adopted children with Nicole Kidman, I would not have to worry about his cruisaziness getting passed on to any unfortunate offspring. Apparently, I was wrong. This poor child is going to have to deal with countless renditions of others jumping up and down on couches like crazed, maniacal Tom Cruises.

It's just... mindblowing. He never should have been allowed to procreate. What have we done to deserve such an awful punishment??

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