Wednesday, September 7

"Do You See A Retainer?"

Apparently, this institution of higher learning that I am attending seems to think I wear a retainer. If they don't think that, then they do think that I'm a thoughtless teenager - a reckless individual incapable of taking care of themselves.

For tonight, I was forced to sit through over an hour long assembly. Forced to sit through a mandatory alcohol & drug awareness meeting. There were five speakers in total. Two of the speakers weren't that bad. However, the other three made me want to jump off the cliffs behind Ladybug's house.

My brain seriously aches from the punishment I have endured. The main speaker spoke to us like we were idiots. She acted like we had absolutely no concept or understanding of what she was saying.

Well, understand this, Lady! I understand that there are repercussions for drugs & alcohol use. I'm not four years old. Nor do I need to be spoken to like I'm sitting in a time-out corner or the "naughty stool," as practiced by SuperNanny.

I have little to no patience. Making me sit through a "stern talking to", as you so eloquently put it, makes me thoroughly unhappy. And then, when you throw in the fact that I had to sit through this same assembly last year, it makes me hostile.

And since we were obviously unable to comprehend what they were telling us, we had to watch a skit. A meaningless skit where they changed the words to Green Eggs and Ham and made it about doing drugs and alcohol on campus. The skit was meant to "lighten the mood."

As you can tell, it really lightened my mood.

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