Monday, September 12

Does That Make Sense?

So, Santa Clause's younger brother teaches my World Religions class. He is not quite as rotund as the senior Clause, but he does have an overall jolly, round appearance. He has a graying beared and salt-and-pepper colored hair.

Anyhow. The younger Clause's favorite phrase seems to be "Does that make sense?"

The class is interesting, despite the professor's resemblence to Santa Clause. He does tend to ramble. A lot. He rambles about for long lengths of time. Long rambles causes me to get sidetracked by other thoughts.

Younger Clause likes to ask if we've been to different places in the world. "Have any of you been to a big Gothic cathedral in Europe?" Insert crickets chirping loudly. Or he'll ask, "Anyone ever heard of Hans Juergensmeyer?" Again, with the crickets.

What is bizarre is that he seems confused by our lack of knowledge at times. But isn't that why we're taking the class? For him to impart his knowledge to us? How often do students come into a class knowing all there is to know about that particular subject??

And then, Younger Clause decides to show us a bit of a film. He tells us, "I don't know if there's anyway to turn half the lights off..." But half the lights were already off in the room! They'd been off for the entire class! What is that all about?

But honestly, he is interesting.

The other classmates, however, frighten me to no end. I am afraid to open my mouth at times, because I am sure that they will suck the soul right out of my body. I became even more sure of this when the guy who sits next to me began talking to the wall on his way out of the building. He already looks frightening to begin with.... and then, he starts trying to carry on conversations with walls??

And I am so positive he asked the wall a question. The WALL!!

1 comment:

Astrid said...

So how well is this younger version of Santa in handing out presents?