Saturday, July 30

Throat for Sale

Anyone want an inflamed larynx? It's all red and pretty like that. I wouldn't do much with it, as it is rather sore, but I'm sure it'd make a nice display somewhere.

Waiting for offers.

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Hey, night-time drivers! You wanna know a secret?

If you turn your brights off, but not your headlights, you can still see the road. You can still see very well to drive in the dark night hours. With just your wee little headlights! Isn't that amazing?

So, please, do not utilize your brights just because the sun has gone out for the evening. Most of the time, you end up blinding other drivers because you forget to switch them off as a vehicle approaches you or you just don't care.

I don't need a migraine because of your lack of whatever. If you absolutely can't see without your brights after midnight, then I say, "You shouldn't be out on the road!"

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Oh, Mr. Jason Mraz, why must you write such beautiful music? I lurve you so much. And then, I listen to your music, and I lurve you tons more.

You should come near me and play so's I can see you. That would be very nice of you.

I'll buy you a sno cone. *nods*

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Why haven't they washed/cleaned Mt. Rushmore before now? I mean, 78 years is a looooooooooong time to wait before cleaning a national treasure. Do they wait 78 years to clean the Statue of Liberty?

I can't believe it's in fair condition, especially since it hasn't been cleaned in 78 years.

I don't know. Just a thought.

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