Saturday, July 9

The Not So Glamourous Life of a Junior Staffer

I'm at speech camp. It's hot. And I get the honor of rooming with a camper for the next week. What fun.

The drive down here was uneventful. Although, we did take a nice detour. The detour did not go where I wanted it to go, and thus, I am unhappy about the results of the detour.

So far this evening, we've watched a lady dancing or praising someone on the side of the street. We've also seen another woman who was walking right in the middle of a busy street. She was just trotting down the turn lane as if she owned the place.

It was quite bizarre.

Tomorrow starts early for me. I have to help out at registration. I don't get to help out a lot with the individual classes at speech camp. I'm mostly behind-the-scenes, helping to keep the camp running as smoothly as possible.

I'm a glorified personal assistant to several different people at once.

But being a former camper, the camp is enjoyable. You can learn how to perfect your performances in humerous duets, dramatic duets, extemporaneous speaking, and the like. The second week focuses more on Lincoln-Douglas Debate and Cross-Examination Debate. It's a little less fun.

However, while it is a lot of work, there are fun things to do most every night.

I am hoping for a visitor to come by this week.... it would make my week so fantastic....


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