Sunday, July 3

Oh, Geez.

Work was oddly therapeutic this evening. I mean, I had a lot to do. And basically, I was the only one working. My boss was in there with me this evening. She doesn't do a whole lot. She mostly just watched me.

And what a night to watch me! Everything I was responsible for came out balanced! Exactly to the penny! Go me!

All that work helped me think through some things I have been mulling over lately. I've come to a clear decision.

I can't wait to go back to school in August. I wish it was August 3. 'Cause then, I'd have like 10 days before I got to go back.

I'll have my private room, my French classes, my little convenience store job.

Of course, there will be things that I miss terribly. Things and people that I'll be sad to be so far from.

But I have to go. I can't stay in this town. More power to the people who can, but I am not one of them.

Sorry, town. I hate to break it to you, but I don't like you very much. And I don't care what you think.

Oh, geez.

1 comment:

Dave said...

I hope school goes well for you...
What are you taking?