Sunday, January 23

That's Life

Can't keep a computer working. Can't get the right medicine at the pharmacy. Got lost on the way to Olive yesterday. Spent a million years being bored in Olive yesterday. Froze to death in Olive yesterday. Froze to death in Arkansas today. It's just one thing after another. But that's life, of course. C'est la vie, and all that hockey puck.

Once again, I am trapped in the school's library. It's super quiet since it is Sunday. I'm trying to corral myself a new notebook as soon as I can afford one, but I'm not sure when that will be. I know I shouldn't be acting so crazy about the loss of my laptop, but I swear to you, that laptop was like my child. I loved it to pieces.

The school's library makes me very sleepy. I want to just crash out right here. But I have a thing about sleeping in public --- I don't. You never know what will happen as soon as your lids shut.

On a lighter note, congrats to all my speech kids! You guys rock my socks off! You'll never read this, I'm sure, but at least I know it's out here for all to see.

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