Sunday, January 16

Memoirs of a Melodramatic Drama Queen

"So, I've started writing my memoirs."

This is what my dear friend Forge tells me as we are waiting for the start of In Good Company on Friday. We're 20. Well, she's 20; I've got a few months left. But memoirs at 20? How does that even work? Is that possible?

I'm sure she has exciting things to say. It's just... for some reason, I think that memoirs are to be written after years and years of gaining wisdom and being alive and stuff.

On the other hand, I guess it's a good thing to get an early start. Who knows what you'll forget by the time you're 40? Will I remember the time I climbed through the bars at the movie theater, just to see if I could do it? Will I remember the time me and Big Me got caught up in a Cops-like undercover bust of some evil bad guy? Will I remember the time I hit a cow with my mother's Grand Am?

Maybe I should start writing my own memoirs.

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