Thursday, January 20

Immense Lacking

Okay. After not having my own computer since Monday, I was hit with another devastating blow.... no Alias last night! The stupid ABC affiliate aired a basketball game instead of the wonderful Alias! So, now, I have to stay up late tonight to watch my favorite show, since this idiotic ABC affiliate has relegated Alias to air at 12:30 a.m. on Fridays. Joy

You meet a lot of crazies while working in a convenience store. Not so much crazies that are out to kill you, but those who are just a tad on the overly weird side. This one fellow came in yesterday, telling me about how he's only had two hours of sleep in three days. And let me tell you, the boy looked it! And was he ever out of it! He ended up coming back in the store three separate times. It was kind of creepy.

Then, this other guy comes in, telling me all about how he has three lab classes this semester. Three! Who takes three lab classes? And to top it all off, he tells me that one of his labs should be a "huge stress reliever." I don't know how he came to that conclusion, but anyway....

I love my American Government class. The professor is a real live wire. And I remembered when the Magna Carta was signed, so go me! And I learned that from watching Billy Madison. And they say movies don't teach you anything! :)

Just to clarify, the adapter for my broken computer did not cost five hundred dollars. It did cost close to one hundred dollars, but not quite. My tendency to exaggerate seems to get worse everyday.

Oh, well. Guess it could be worse.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Did you ask Mr. Sleepless what he was on? Sounds like crack or maybe speed.