Saturday, October 3

23 Things: Thing 18

Ah, YouTube. My dear little time-sucking friend.

I've (fortunately or unfortunately... not real sure) explored YouTube on many occasions, most usually when I'm bored. Right now, because I'm low on funds, time, and musicians who will come my way, I've taken to using the site to get quick live music fixes. I know, I know; it's not really live music if it has been recorded. But it's all I've got right now.

Today, I searched for videos including Nathan Angelo. He's been on rotation in my car the past few months (sharing time with Dave Barnes and Rob Blackledge). Gosh, darnit, I'd love to see him play live. So, I found a video of Nathan playing his song "Someday Soon" on August 6, 2009. The video is pretty dark, but you can see Nathan and his keyboard. Plus, the sound is great. Sometimes, the videos on YouTube have horrible sound.

It's really easy to use YouTube to find entertaining or other types of videos. I mostly use it for entertainment purposes. And the site can seriously suck time. Each video has links to similar videos and other videos by the poster. There's always some kind of video catching my eye and dragging me deeper and deeper into the recesses of YouTube.

Anyway, I now present Nathan Angelo:

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