Sunday, October 29

Delicious Autumn and the Sidewalk of Death!

Today, I walked amongst the falling leaves and the changing trees of my campus.

I saw beautiful sights.

I even met a Scissortail Flycatcher!

I saw some more beautiful sights.

I met a threatening squirrel.

I saw some more beautimous trees.

And then, I spotted this wonderful Monarch butterfly!

I decided to chase Mr. Monarch, in hopes of attaining the perfect shot of the butterfly. But instead, I was attacked by the Sidewalk of Death!

The evil Sidewalk of Death! My greatest foe on campus. He's buckled and cracked like a freakin' fault line runs beneath him. He's always trying to trip me. I declare him a lawsuit waiting to happen. This picture does not due him justice in showing his true evilness. Beware of the Sidewalk of Death!

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