Thursday, October 19

There Once Lived An Evil Child...

There once lived an evil child. She was so evil that she frightened her suitemates with her wild, evil behavior. Now, we shall see a scene from this horribly corrupt child's life.

Cast your mind. It's a relatively quiet evening in the suite, with three of its four occupants working on homework. The rooms to each individual room are open. Out of the silence, one of the girls in the second room blurts out, "Oh, no! I just deleted my paper!"

In the first room, this one particularly evil child jumps out of her chair and begins to laugh maniacally. She runs into the poor suitemate's room, laughing crazily and making a fool out of herself.

From the third room, the only child not working on homework has a look of horror on her face. "That is the meanest thing ever! What is wrong with you?!"

The evil child looks at her, stops laughing, mutters something about how the suitemate deserved it, and goes back to her room.

There you have it. A peep into the evil child's life. We know not the name of this evil child. We only know she's evil.

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