Thursday, September 14

I Want...

I want...

*grad school to be free to those that really, really want to go (i.e., me).

*kids to stop speaking up in class when they are accustomed to using words such as "like", "uh", "you know", etc. You sound dumb. I do not want to listen to dumb people. If I wanted to listen to dumb people, I would actively seek out dumb people.

*to make the best grades I can possibly make this semester.

*to survive this semester and the massive reading I have to do.

*to see people I don't get to se very often more often.

*to get into Emerson.

*to have pancakes or French toast for breakfast.

*to go to Boston over Spring Break!

*Britney Spears to bound and gag Kevin Federline. The man is everywhere. He sings. He acts. He produces offspring at an alarming rate. He needs to be stopped.

*people to have money for things that people desperately need.

*cold weather so I can wear my new peacoat!

*to see Zach Braff's new movie.

*my suite bathroom to magically clean itself over the weekend while I'm gone. I don't want to have to clean the darn thing again.

*Lindsay Lohan to wear underclothes. I am tired of seeing things that I'm not meant to see!

*someone to write my essay for me, so I don't have to write it! I'm lazy!

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