Tuesday, September 12

Hand in the Cookie Jar

There has been a reversal of roles this semester. Amanda, the ever diligent studier, is slacking off in her studying duties. Perhaps this is because she has been taking 18 hours a semester for the last 6 semesters. She is beaten, tired, and down-trodden. She has worked too much in this school businses. And now, she has started doing less and less work. She is no longer her workful self.

Usually, it is me that has problems with procrastination and not working in general. But this semester, I have really buckled down. I have stayed on top of all my readings, despite four literature classes. And I pray that I continue with this fervor.

Today, I told Amanda that she was not to be on the computer when I got home from work. She has four tests this week. She must study for these tests. And so, in addition, I told her that the only time she could play on her computer was during House. She was allowed a one hour break to watch House.

So, five minutes after House goes off, I bebop into her room. As I open the door, she quickly closes her laptop and jumps away from the computer --- like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar!!

The look on Amanda's face after she realized what she'd done... it was priceless. Just a truly hysterical situation. I'm still laughing.

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