Thursday, September 7

Deep Thoughts

Ever read The Outsiders? The narrator is named Ponyboy Curtis. His parents named him that at birth. But what happens when Ponyboy becomes a man? Does his name change? Does he become Ponyman? Perhaps his parents should have named him Ponyguy to alleviate the confusion.

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There are pictures of Suri Cruise. She looks exactly like Tom Cruise. I'm still not convinced that she's real. However, I'm not sure that Vanity Fair is in the practice of putting imagined images on their cover. And why would they devote 22 pages to the little tyke if she's not real? Have you seen the picture? She looks like she's wearing a wig! I've never seen a four-month-old with that much hair. Something still isn't right.

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Fergie, I told you to stop making horrible music with your group, The Black-Eyed Peas. This does not give you permission to go off and create a solo album. For crying out loud, no one wants to hear you sing about obscene things. And by no one, I mean me. I speak for the world on this one.

Your damn "London Bridge" song is horrendous. It is worse than Gwen Stefani's "Hollaback Girl" (although, I'm still not sure what a "hollaback girl" is). I don't understand why you can't pick up some duct tape and tape your mouth shut. I mean, if you did that, we'd be forced to award you a Nobel Peace Prize. Think about it, Fergie. You'll be known forever as one of the few, the proud, the Nobel Peace Prize winners. As it stands right now, people are going to forget you and your crap songs. They're worthless, ugly, and incredibly idiotic. All of this equals forgotten!

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