Tuesday, June 19

Oh, Rooney....

I just don't think I can be your friend any more. And by friend, I mean adoring fan who still owns the three Rooney shirts she bought at three different concerts even though she no longer wears them because they're tattered and torn. The same friend who acquired Robert's guitar pick after a show and obtained the autographs of all five band members.

This friend is unhappy for several reasons. One reason is the fact that your second album has been postponed-delayed-postponed about a million times. But that offense can be forgiven. What cannot be forgiven is this reason:

You're touring with Fergie.

Are you aware of this fact? You're headlining for Fergie, a character who insists upon spelling words throughout her songs and relies on her "humps" to attract male suitors. She's brainwashing America's youth and making them into mindless followers of the Britney Spears-Paris Hilton persuasion.

She just seems so unlike you.

I don't know. Perhaps I don't know you as well as I think I know you. It's just disappointing, that's all. I don't understand it. I'm sure touring with her will get you more popularity. But is popularity necessary? I'm sure it is nice for people to buy your albums and go to your shows so that you have money and can live a life of relative leisure. But what about, oh, I don't know.... integrity? Don't you want to be remembered for who you are, not for riding on the coattails of another to achieve fame?

Anyhow, enjoy your tour. I wish that I could see you this time around as it has been many years since I've seen you perform live (almost four years!). Sadly, the only time you were coming near my area was with Fergie and I can't justify spending any amount of money that goes to her.

So, there you go.

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