Wednesday, June 6

Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun....

Today, I spent three hours in the pool. Three hours is a lot for a pale, translucent person like myself. I also spent a couple of hours in the pool on Monday as well. My skin is uncomfortable. My skin is irritated. It does not like clothes touching it. My skin is not a happy camper.

Looking at my incredibly pink arms and face, I've come to one conclusion.

I've met my sun quota for the week. The Sun is not to shine itself my way until at least Sunday. I am anti-Sun. The Sun and I are not friends. No me gusta el sol. Je n'aime pas le soleil.

In short, the Sun and I are at war. It will be a constant battle, but I should be successful in my goal of keeping clear of the Sun's rays.


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